Quality of work depends largely on the implementation of the model. SmartBox device combined with a system of combined models Zaisser guarantees the highest precision of work.
In our laboratory work with an articulator is a standard. Artex articulator CR allows us to reconstruct the ideal short-circuit conditions for each patient.
With our system, CAD/CAM we are able to perform highly esthetic temporary crowns while ensuring perfect fitting and the formation of soft tissue.
With the latest system of the composites Signum Heraeus, we can repair defects of porcelain directly in the mouth of the patient.
We use a facial arc Artex's AmannGirrbach AG. This allows us to provide you with even greater precision fit prosthetic work.
Our standard procedure aims at reaching the best aesthetics in combination with the minimum invasiveness and excellent functionality. The best examples of our approach are our fully ceramic facings. They are extremely thin, owing to the applied method of welding porcelain directly on fire-resistant stumps. As a result, it is possible to minimise or even eliminate the preparation, which is not feasible with popular pressed facing.
Therefore, we invest in quality equipment and materials, which let us maximise the precision and control of performed work, starting at the level of model casting (the devices for the automatic measurements of gypsum and water, a vacuum mixer for gypsum and the application of the Zaisser system to produce divided models).
Our CAD/CAM system lets us achieve an extraordinary level of accuracy. Moreover, this device allows us the production of e. g. custom-made connectors and implant keys, fully ceramic telescope work with intermediate telescopes made of Teflon and interim long-term filings.